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Discover your next employee benefit

Offering a reliable and affordable commute can create a positive work experience for your employees. From discounted transit pass programs to flexible work options and more, these commuter programs will take your company’s employee benefits package to the next level—guaranteed.
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Choose your commuter benefits program

We’d like to recommend the best commuter benefits program to suit your needs. Answer a few questions about the types of commuting challenges your company faces, and we can direct you to the right programs.

Commuter benefits that work

Companies throughout Perimeter are using transportation programs to boost recruitment and retention and manage their overhead. Here’s a look at a few examples of commuter benefits programs that change work for the better.
Flexible Work at Cox Enterprises

As the largest employer in the Perimeter area, Cox Enterprises takes campus access seriously. In 2019 they launched a formal flexible work arrangements pilot, offering eligible employees either one day each week for telework or compressed work week schedules. Engaging 1,000 employees will represent an aggregate time savings of 1,580 hours per week.

 Mercedes-Benz USA Increases Employee Engagement & Productivity

Upon making Atlanta home in 2016, Mercedes-Benz USA quickly realized through surveys and observations that commuting to work was a widespread pain-point and expenditure among employees. The findings mobilized Mercedes to create a custom telework program that allows employees the ability to telework one day a week. The result? A lift in employee engagement scores, and 98% of employees reporting that telework was good for the organization. Plus, 90% of Mercedes’ management team reported that employee productivity stayed steady after implementing the program. Some even saw an increase.

 OneTrust Capitalizes on Transit

Perimeter-based OneTrust, a leading privacy, security and third-party risk technology platform, is the fastest-growing company in Atlanta. OneTrust’s rapid growth quickly put pressure on its parking availability. The team realized it needed a solution quickly that could offset company growth without new parking. The solution? Leverage its convenient access to the Sandy Springs MARTA station and offer all staff free, unlimited MARTA passes. Today, the program not only mitigates the company’s parking availability, it’s also a leading benefit that attracts top-tier talent.

 VMware Brings Convenience to Ridesharing

VMware possesses one of the highest rates of transit usage in Perimeter, but it realized there was still a widespread employee base who lack transit access. Its leadership team decided VMWare needed to create a program that makes getting to work easy and affordable for all employees regardless of transit access, leading it to embark on a journey to offer a convenient, company-supported vanshare program for employees who lack transit access. For just $50 per month (plus the cost of gas), employees form their own pools, set their schedules, and manage their own miniature transit option.

Extend more time to your employees

The longer it takes for an employee to get to work, the less time they have for what makes them happy: their families, exercise, and even producing quality work. This crunch can often lead to burnout and, not too long after, job hunting. Use a commuter benefits program to add back an extra hour or two into their schedule.

Give others workplace-envy

From discounted transit passes to flexible work options, our toolkits offer guidance on how you can enhance your employee benefits package with even more attractive commuter programs and perks. Go on and brag to your new hires about them.
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Choose your commuter benefits program

We’d like to recommend the best commuter benefits program to suit your needs. Answer a few questions about the types of commuting challenges your company faces, and we can direct you to the right programs.